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Tips on communication at work

10 Steps for Better Communication at Work

Communication at work can be tricky. Do you know how to make a point and communicate […]

Article March 2015

How To Overcome Psychological Distress In Call Centres

In our previous article Stress And Psychological Distress In Call Centres, we […]

Article February 2015
physical activity at work yoga

Benefits Of Physical Activity In The Workplace

Are you looking for ways to foster your employees’ productivity? Try working […]

Article February 2015

How To Demotivate Your Employees: 4 Short Stories

Motivated, demotivated. It’s a beat that sounds like: “I’m happy, I’m […]

Article January 2015

8 Reasons You Don’t Recognize Your Employees

Do you take the time to thank your employees? The effectiveness of recognition on […]

Article January 2015

Highlights from NIBC 2015

Press Releases January 2015
happiness at work

New Year’s Resolutions For Happiness In The Workplace

For many people, a new year is the opportunity to turn the page and start a new […]

Article January 2015

4 Reasons To Use Web Technologies To Recognize Employees

You have been working on a really complex problem for a couple of hours. You finally […]

Article December 2014
salaries and recognition

Salary Increase And Non Monetary Recognition

The end the year is upon us, and for many of us, that means salary increase, end of […]

Article December 2014
happiness at work

Believing In What You Do To Be Passionate About Your Work

Work takes up a big chunk of our life: in terms of time, physical and psychological […]

Article October 2014

5 Good Reasons To Laugh At Work

It’s so good to laugh, whether in your personal life or at work! In spite of this, […]

Article September 2014

The Happiness Benchmark: How Much Do You Need To Earn To Be Happy At Work?

We all agree: money is an interesting topic. Why? Because we can do lots of things […]

Article September 2014
stress in call centers

Stress And Psychological Distress In Call Centers

Fatigue, stress, anxiety, irritability, burn out, are some of the difficulties that […]

Article August 2014
Altrum recognition - Signas of psychological distress at work

Recognition And Authenticity

In one of our blog posts, we discussed the 4 Elements for Effective Recognition: […]

Article August 2014
bad employee performance and how to counter it

What Do You Know About Employees Who Are Not Engaged?

Based on a 2013 Gallup study, 70% of employees say they are not engaged and 14% […]

Article August 2014

Employee Recognition: What For?

Everyone needs recognition. We may act “all tough” and pretend to be above it […]

Article July 2014
taking care of people

When Taking Care Of People Rhymes With Collection Agency

In his book Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together And Others Don’t, Simon […]

Article June 2014

Recognition Day During Human Resources Week

Today starts the 2nd edition of Human Resources Week, which is organized by the […]

Article April 2014

Leverage Autonomy To Drive Engagement

Employee engagement is a hot topic. As employee engagement increases, so does […]

Article March 2014
linguistic approach to employee recognition

The linguistic approach to employee recognition

Recognition at work is set up in multiple ways, as payout, promotion, reward, or […]

Article March 2014
4 levels of recognition

4 Levels Of Recognition To Help You Plan And Budget

Everyone needs recognition. It is a fundamental human need. In business, the more […]

Article February 2014

The Happiness Advantage

I am currently reading The Happiness Advantage from Shawn Achor. A must-read if you […]

Article June 2013
ROI of employee engagement at work

What Is Employee Engagement?

For many years, we increasingly hear about employee engagement. It seems to be a […]

Article May 2013

The 4 Elements of Effective Recognition

One of the keys to driving employee engagement is recognition. Everyone needs to be […]

Article March 2013

5 Elements To Promote Happiness In A Business

FastCompany published a recent article on the Secrets of America’s Happiest […]

Article March 2013