14 Low Cost Ways of Fostering Employee Engagement

December 28, 2015

In Employee Engagement

employee engagement

Fostering employee engagement is accessible to all companies!

Whether you are a small startup or big multi-national, there are many ways to recognize your employees in a cost-effective way. Here are 14 ideas that cost close to nothing, and can have a big impact.

  1. Post a thank you note on an employee’s door/computer.
  2. Show your appreciation for people who show initiative by giving them special assignments.
  3. Recognize employees who actively serve the community.
  4. Acknowledge individual achievements by using employee names in status reports.
  5. Practice positive nonverbal behaviors that demonstrate appreciation.
  6. Smile. It’s contagious!
  7. Send a letter to all of your team members at the end of a project to thank them for their involvement.
  8. Send birthday/get well/sympathy cards to your employees’ homes.
  9. Send personalized thank you cards to employees.
  10. Widely publicize the suggestions you use and talk about their positive impact on your department.
  11. Serve food or drinks (cookies, cake, tea, coffee, etc.) to your team.
  12. Do something special for Employee Appreciation Day.
  13. Purchase a unique pin to serve as a memento for a task well done.
  14. Give a coffee cup or a pen with a recognition message printed on in.

What else have you tried to foster engagement that yielded great results?