What Makes Enterprise Gamification A Profitable Solution?

December 23, 2015

In Management & Organizational Performance

There’s a lot of talk about gamification for organizations, and for good reason: more than 50% of the 2,000 largest companies in the world have used it. We anticipate a $5.5-billion expansion in our rapidly growing industry by 2018, especially in North America and Europe. Organizations embrace gamification because it’s an excellent investment. Read on to find out why you should try it in 2016, if you haven’t already.


If you want to convince shareholders and executives, numbers really are the most effective way, don’t you think? Several case studies have already shown that gamification can increase profits by 9% to 66% by maximizing the ROI of:

  • Performance management
  • Employee engagement
  • Training and communication

With game mechanics, you will able to better measure and reach your financial goals, especially if you operate in one of the following environments:

  • Call centre
  • Sales team
  • Transportation
  • Production and manufacturing
  • Workplace health and safety

Let’s take a closer look at how a gamification solution can generate profits.


Your marketing department is probably required to send sales targets to various teams, as well as build campaigns one by one and ensure they are understood, and then follow up and file reports. But thanks to our solution, you can now create attractive campaigns, communicate them directly to employees and measure their performance in real time.

Moreover, game mechanics have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in significantly boosting employee performance. A study conducted by Autodesk Research demonstrated that gamifying tutorials increased speed of learning by 135%!


The situation is far from rosy, both here and stateside. According to Canada Human Resources Centre, 75% of employees are either not engaged or are actively disengaged. And there’s a cost attached to that: $150 billion in lost productivity for North American companies! However, organizations with a high level of engagement report 22% higher productivity.

In our previous articles, we have seen that Karelab’s gamification solutions have a direct impact on the factors that foster employee engagement. The use of game mechanics stimulates voluntary employee participation in corporate objectives and increases engagement by 92% (short term) to 299% (long term).


According to a survey performed by the firm TalentLMS, a large majority (89%) of people are more committed to the success of an e-learning application when it includes a game mechanism such as a point system. Incorporating gamification into your training could improve your employees’ skills by 70%.

Researchers at the University of Colorado conducted a study on the impact of a gamified environment on adult learning effectiveness. They score higher in acquiring knowledge and skills, and also retain information more effectively.