Gen Y Employees: Attracting, Motivating and Retaining Them
May 7, 2018In Recruitment and Employer Brand

Aged about 25 to 40 years, generation-Y workers witnessed the advent of many revolutionary technologies. Children of divorced parents have attended daycare centers, are open to the world, and have a strong “sense of law”, according to Desjardins life insurance.
Three times as many as their predecessors, the Y represents 27% of the Canadian population and an even greater proportion of workers based on Statistics Canada. They will soon form (if not already) the heart of your payroll.
It is crucial for the success of your company to recruit and retain the top players of this cohort, also commonly called the Millennials. Our advice can be broken down in five key points.
1. Maximize your digital presence
Is your website up-to-date and well-referenced in search engines? Do you manage your communities well on social media? Generation Y workers pay attention to this kind of detail. Don’t hesitate to publish photos of your social activities, to put forward your internal culture. This long-term work helps to build awareness of your employer brand.
2. Ensure they feel like they are contributing to the team
Although Generation Y employees want to progress, they do not perceive progress in the same way as the employees of the previous generation. Their definition of success is based more on their contribution to society and the organization rather than their title.
It is therefore important for them to feel that they contribute to the success of the organization and that their contribution is truly meaningful. As they seek to increase their skills, they greatly value all learning opportunities. Try to convey frequent feedback and focus on corporate recognition.
3. Implement technological work tools
These are the first workers to better understand business tools, more so than their senior colleagues. Millennials expect a flexible working environment capable of integrating the latest technologies into the workplace. An overly rigid framework anchored in archaic procedures could put them off. For example, try to focus on new tools that can facilitate internal communication and limit the use of paper.
4. Respect their ideas and explain your decisions
As mentioned above, many Millennials do not attach great importance to hierarchical statutes and job titles in companies. The status of a Chief is no longer enough to impose a decision if it does not appear natural or if it is misunderstood. This is why it is essential to focus on two-way communication. All must be respected, explain the decisions that are made, and share information.
5. Offer flexibility
There is no point in trying to control their work environment. Millennials thrive in flexibility and trust. Set clear goals and a deadline, without dictating the method to arrive at the final result. Offer them the opportunity to work a little later in the morning on a flexible schedule, stay at home, or change the atmosphere and explore a local café. The important thing is to focus on results and productivity.
Enjoyed our advice? Contact our Client Solution team to learn more about the tools and recognition programs that can help you inspire employee engagement and celebrate retirement!