Even More Recognition for Employee Appreciation Day

June 6, 2022

In Employee Engagement

Everyone loves Fridays. But employees love the first Friday of March even more, and for good reason: It celebrates Employee Appreciation Day.

The Employee Appreciation Day, which began in 1995, is there to remind us every year that the employer-employee relationship is at the heart of any successful organization.
Whether you are a manager or HR manager in your organization, take the time to thank your teams and employees for their contribution, to recognize their importance in the organization, and above all, to listen to and value their contribution.

Still looking for a good reason to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day? Here are 3 to name a few:

1. Small recognition, big impact

Acknowledging a job well done or good moves only takes a few seconds. Everyone can do it. Whether manager, employee or CEO, everyone can recognize their colleagues.

According to Gallup, only 1 in 3 employees received recognition in the last 7 days. Many employees feel that their efforts are being ignored. In addition, employees who do not feel sufficiently recognized are twice as likely to resign in the following year.

2. Push your teams to give the best of themselves

69% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were appreciated. 85% of companies that invest 1% of payroll in recognition see a positive impact on engagement. And companies that practice values-based social recognition among peers see a 23% increase in productivity. Just that!

3. Attract and retain your talents

We all agree that we are living in a period of increased labor shortages, and that every effort to attract and retain the best talent is more than welcome!

Did you know that companies with a strategic approach to recognition report a lower average turnover rate of 23.4% compared to organizations that have no recognition program, and that 66% of HR leaders say their program of recognition solidifies their employer brand?

You will understand that employee appreciation and recognition is not just a one-day affair, but must be an integral part of the culture of the organization, for greater lasting impact .