5 Ways to Improve Work-Life Balance Within your Company

May 15, 2018

In Employee Engagement


While wages were once the main factor of attraction for a job, a new trend is emerging. Employees are looking for an organization where they will feel good and will allow them to reconcile work with personal life.

But what is work-life balance?

The expression is on everyone’s lips, but how does it translate into reality? We have compiled five examples of best practice to increase your employee’s level of commitment. Plus, it will improve your business’ image through work-life balance!

1. Evaluate performance based on results

What if you found a method to evaluate your employees on the quality and quantity of work done? We all agree, no employee is fully productive from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm behind a screen.

Some employees can reach the apogee of their effectiveness very early in the morning and become ineffective in the late afternoon. By concretely showing that you give more importance to the results obtained than the hours worked, you’ll see your team’s productivity increase.

2. Offer daycare services at the office

Think about the time that parents can save each day if they don’t have to run to drop off and pick up their children at daycare. With on-site childcare, they have more flexibility and less worries about the safety of their children. The time saved is precious and it can turn into real gratitude towards the company!

3. Encourage physical activity

There is nothing worse for an employee than having to choose between caring for their health and performing at work. Think logistics to optimize your workplace and make life easier for all those who want to exercise. Not having to take a detour in the morning or evening to go to the gym is a great perk.

Showers and a gym in your building is an ideal scenario. You can also offer time during the workday to exercise, pay for gym memberships, or offer yoga classes.

4. Offer flexible working hours

Traffic, delays in public transport, children who don’t want to get dressed – there are many reasons that can explain tardiness. If the structure of your organization allows it, give your employees the opportunity to choose their own work schedule.

For example, it may be possible to require that all your staff be on site from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and give flexibility outside of that time bracket. Such a structure allows early birds to beat morning traffic and leave the office just in time to meet their kids home after school. Alternatively, the night owls can comfortably come in at 10am and finish later on in the evenings. Another solution is to offer compressed work weeks allowing your employees who finished all they had to do to leave early on Fridays.

5. Be open to working from home

It may be a good idea to offer employees the opportunity to work from home one to four times a month. It could be even more if you feel that it does not affect the corporate culture. Working from home is another way to allow your employees to save time and better balance work and personal life.

By avoiding the commute, your employees have more time to work and focus, and can often accomplish more things in a day.


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