What is the deal toy ordering process like?

October 12, 2023


question mark drawing with pencil and eraser

If you’re looking to order a deal toy for the first time, you’ve come to the right place.

Allow us to introduce ourselves!

We’re Altrum, one of the world’s leading deal toy manufacturers, and our goal is to help you create the best deal toys possible.

We know a thing or two about the deal toy process, so we’ll walk you through it in just 3 easy steps…

Step 1: Close that deal!

  • Reach out to us on our website or email your company’s designated Sales Executive when you’re ready. From there, we will open your new project in our system!
  • It is extremely important that you know the following information when opening a new project…
    • Event Date: Do you need these deal toys by a certain date? (This one is key!)
    • Quantity Needed: This affects cost.
    • Budget: This may change how we design your piece.
    • Deal Text: How would you like the transaction details laid out? Does your company have a specific template that you must follow?
    • Design Ideas: From the smallest of ideas to the biggest of dreams. Anything helps!
    • Logos: Send us all logos you’d like featured on the piece. The higher the res, the better!

Step 2: Designs, designs, designs

  • Once the project is open in our system, it’s design time.
  • Your Account Manager will ask you various questions to narrow down the type of design you want and what fits your budget. After that, it is in our talented design team’s hands!
    • Timing: Design timing can vary, but typically you can expect an average wait time of 5-6 business days for concept designs, and 2-3 business days for draft designs.
  • When your custom designs are delivered straight to your inbox, review them with any key stakeholders you’re working with for this project. Make sure everyone is happy!
  • If changes need to be made, we go back to the drawing board.
  • If you are happy with one design and are ready to proceed, it’s production time!

Step 3: Production begins

  • So, you’ve chosen a design! There are two roads you can go down…
    • 1: Get a prototype made before producing the full order.
      • This is beneficial if you have the extra time to see a sample unit. If you’re not happy with it in person and want to see something else, don’t worry. We can start from scratch and design something else.
      • If you receive the prototype and you love it, great! The next step would be to let us know how many you need for the full order, and our factory will get started on those ASAP.
    • 2: Go straight to the full order.
      • If you’re on a time crunch, or you are just 100% positive that the design you’ve chosen is the winner, you can place the full order without seeing a prototype first.
      • While we recommend always ordering a prototype, sometimes timelines do not allow for it!
    • Whichever road you choose, your Account Manager and Sales Associate are here for you every step along the way – don’t hesitate to ask questions. We’ve got the answers!

While there are some other steps along the way depending on the scenario, the deal toy process is a relatively seamless and a fun experience! We can’t wait to help you create something memorable.

Reach out today to get your designs started and to order a deal toy for your latest transaction!