
Inspire, celebrate and motivate employees all in one place

October 7, 2022
Emd Batimo Team


EMD-Batimo, one of the leaders in its industry, owns numerous residential complexes, including retirement homes. Caring about their clientele, who felt isolated due to the pandemic, they have set up extraordinary initiatives to keep seniors connected during the crisis, such as the channel https://macreatv.com.

Just as it’s important for them to treat their clientele with care, EMD-Batimo also never loses sight of their employee needs. They’re constantly looking for ways to improve in order to maintain strong relations with their staff.

Following the completion of an organizational survey, employees mentioned they were not receiving the desired level of recognition from their managers, despite some excellent initiatives. So, the company endeavored upon additional research to find potential partners who could support them and resolve this problem.

Altrum’s Celebration platform proved to be the ideal solution for improving internal recognition from managers and other employees.


The Celebration platform makes it possible to bring several corporate recognition programs together under one roof, like recognizing employees for their social involvement or good health and safety results. As a form of recognition, clients can select different rewards they’d like to make available to their employees. To start, EMD-Batimo decided to exclusively offer corporate apparel. As they ramp up in the coming months, they’ll be adding gift cards to their store to support the local economy. This is a priority for them!

The company has developed a short training module for its managers and team leaders to make them more aware of the importance of recognition at work. Managers are encouraged to visit Celebration to recognize their employees’ successes as often as possible. Employees are also encouraged to mention their colleagues’ great work and behaviors via the recognition wall, available from their cell phone or computer. Whether for small or large victories, each success is recognized and celebrated.

Results and conclusion

Employees are delighted to be able to choose employer-branded clothing they can proudly wear. This promotes the employer brand and the employees’ sense of belonging to the company.

It’s a great initiative that’s currently underway, and employees truly enjoy the recognition they receive.
They feel a great sense of pride, especially when their names appear on the recognition wall. These awards have become a great source of ongoing motivation for these employees, who now receive recognition on par with their dedication to their work.

Our team of Celebration experts provided the client with valuable support in implementing this solution. Using an easy and straightforward process, accompanied by exchanges, best practices and recommendations to optimize the benefits, we helped reassure our client throughout the project’s evolution.

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